Tuesday, 18 November 2014

What 21st Century Learning Means To Me (@peel21st #Peel21st)

When @jrichea asked me to participate in this Blog Hop discussing Learning in the 21st Century, I honestly believed that he meant it as a Tweet, and responded with the following: exhausting, exciting, overwhelming, fun, creative, challenging! 

Those few words pretty much wrap up my role as a TL!  Each day I try to bring excitement and energy to our Library Learning Commons, but the reality is that this effort is often exhausting.  Because there are so many amazing 21st century tools and experiences available as a learner (and for student learners) my team is often overwhelmed with the responsibility of delivering a fun and creative curriculum to promote the use of our LLC space.  Thankfully I am blessed with colleagues like @JayneShewman who regularly meet the challenge to collaborate and create with me to provide the best experience for us all! 

Every single day we learn something new: about curriculum, students, and ourselves!

Please 'Hop On' to see what the others have written! 

Susan Campo @susancampoJim Cash @cashjimShivonne Lewis-­‐Young @SLewisYoungGreg Pearson @vptechnodorkPhil Young @_PhilYoungJames Nunes @jameseliasnunesDonald Campbell @libramladKen Dewar Bestbefore2030Graham Whisen @grahamwhisenLynn Filliter @assessmentgeekDebbie Axiak @DebbieAxiakJonathan So @MrSoClassroomJim Blackwood @jimmyblackwoodJason Richea @jricheaTina Zita @Xna_zitaSean Broda


  1. Teacher librarians will be key as learning commons take off. Thanks for being on the chalk face.

  2. Would love to pick your brain about the experiences you have had as the TL in the LC. I had had the unique opportunity to partner with my TL this year and be involved in some amazing learning opportunities for our students.

    1. Please feel free to contact me or drop by SSS to check out our space. I'm also presenting at David Suzuki SS on Tuesday, November 25th about my experiences last year with Action Research and transforming from a Library Resource Center to a more authentic Learning Commons space.
